29 March 2010

Stock tip of the day:

Since the Delaware Department of Education has not yet had their IPO, MassInciter recommends:
Downgrade/SELL: Technology for the classroom, classroom & office supplies, Sallie-Mae, all Colleges and Universities offering teaching degrees, and all textbook suppliers. School-age student futures.

Upgrade/BUY: Mass Insight, Cambridge Education, the Broad Institute, Vision 2015, Northwest, Renaissance Schools, Innovative Schools, JP Morgan Chase, RODEL, AIRS, DSTP, and DCAS.

Word on the street is that there has been a $600 M infusion of guaranteed business for educational consultants, with $3.5 B+ in future business to follow. Sell your soul for whatever you can get and buy now…you can bet your 403(B) on it!

Think I’m yanking your chain? I’m not alone in my investment advice. (Although, I’m not quite sure why they’re downgrading brewers –- we’re all going to need to get a few drinks under our belts in order to stomach the changes in store for us).

Market Report: Stock Ticker
March 29, 2010 -- 4:15 PM ET

Moving the Market

Dollar dips against competing currencies

Personal income and spending figures for February provide little surprise

Overall news flow is light, leading to little participation

Sector Watch

real estate services; education services; oil and gas drillers, equipment, and explorers; coal and consumable fuel; diversified metals; agricultural products; distillers and vintners

auto makers; brewers; computer storage and peripherals; homebuilding; industrial REITs

It’s a damn shame that they did away with cursive writing. It makes We are so totally fucked! look so much classier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buy Anderson, Sell Evans.

Buy Williams, Sell Schneider.


Buy: Mass Insight. Lots of it.

Sell: Teachers

Buy: new College Grads in TFA

Sell: specialists.

Buy: Data Coaches.

Sell: Common Sense

Buy: DEDOE takeover of NCC city Schools