08 March 2010

No More Pencils, No More Books...

No more pencils, no more books,

The District’s run by dirty crooks!!!

Get your checkbooks out, folks. A referendum’s in the air (either that or it’s the smell from the mushroom farms in Hockessin).

Ante up, bitches! What’s that…you say you’re unemployed, under-employed, struggling to pay your medical bills, and/or at risk of losing your home? Quit ‘cher whining! We’re raising your school taxes to be commensurate with those in PA and NJ.

That’s right, I’ll say it again. Our taxes will be commensurate with those in PA and NJ. But that’s about as far as it goes. Computers in classrooms? Why would we want to do that? A public education that rivals a private education? I don’t think so! No, we have better plans for your money…like paying an outside company to improve our image within our community.

The world is a cold, cruel place and the sooner your kids learn their role the better. Look on the bright side – PTAs are technically non-profits and have already trained your kids to beg (I mean fundraise). Spare me your Orwellian inspired tears, from now on, office supplies are for District Administration only. If your kids want crayons, pencils, paper and tape then they’ll just have to find a way to earn some. When I was their age, I had a paper route and schools had so many supplies we just threw them out at the end of the year to make room for the truckloads of fresh ones in the fall. Ahhh…those were the days!

But those days are long gone. So, pick a corner, take a lesson in entrepreneurial desperation from Downes Elementary, and let the begging begin!


Anonymous said...

If they think I'm going to tax myself, those fucknuts are far dumber than they look, Fuck that Board, what a bunch of criminals and thugs. Who do they think they are? And Schnieder clearly left her mind in NY, NY, perhaps it is time for a mind body reunion on the Hudson.....

Anonymous said...

While we will never censor public comments, we would like to take this opportunity to state that the M.I. believes in peaceful advocacy.

And While the use of physical violence seems to be the popular method of disposal in nearby New Jersey, We cannot condone the use of violence in Delaware.

However, M.I. is in agreement that Delawareans need to rid themselves of several high ranking officials including Schneider.



Anonymous said...

Whoa, I did not say in the Hudson, I was not advocating violence but rather than if they met there, she Schnider wouldn't be "here". Nothing sinister, just get out.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, I did not say in the Hudson, I was not advocating violence but rather than if they met there, she Schnider wouldn't be "here". Nothing sinister, just get out.

Anonymous said...

Okay man, just didn't want any-Schnider to read more into your comment than was intended.

Would love for a few of 'em to reunite their heads with their bodies. Maybe the Broad Academy could have a reunion?


Anonymous said...

Can you believe these dirty crooks who stole a shit load of CASH in 2005 are goin to ask for a referendum. Wow, the BOE are truly incompetents being led by a theiving admin that routinely lies and hates parents.

Anonymous said...

As a parent of 3 CSD students, I am routinely appalled at how this district vilifies parents and scapegoats teachers. I will never support this referendun, not one red fucking cent until the board is dissolved and admin is repatriated to NYC

gg said...

I see nothing wrong with the Downes donation requests. I would rather do this than have my kid do fundraising. I refuse to ask my friends, neighbors, or relatives to buy one more piece of over-priced stuff. I jst give $25 as a donation and we are done with it. Plus, the school wins--they get 100% of my money instead of some measly 20%.

Lucy said...

Yea! You're back. I thought you left us.

Anonymous said...

gg, you see nothing wrong with a $250MM+/yr entity being unable to spend wisely enough to make sure the school has fucking supplies? What a completely sad statement that these kids are begging for supplies. The fucking principals and admin. have no shortage. Is it about the kids or Drew? Your mindset IS the problem, get your head out of your fucking ass.

gg said...

They are not begging for pencils, Anonyass. They are asking for extras. And what $250MM entity are you talking about--one school?

Anonymous said...

The Christina School district is a 250+ million dollar operation top to bottom, that is gross REVS and EXPENSES are both over 250 million....and Downes elementary has a website citing lack of Title 1 status and therefore no $$ to buy fucking supplies!!!!!! This is tantamount to a PBS telethon, fucking shameful....I am an embarrassed Jennie Smith Elem. Dad who is praying that does not happen to my school!

Anonymous said...

Charter schools fundraise as well. Check out this link for the Charter School of Wilmington:


I heard somewhere that they also hire a PR firm to call the parents who have not yet donated:
