20 February 2010

Master Insider: Amasses Delaware Turnaround Specs

Always remember: that which is leaked today can be changed tomorrow to discredit the leak.
However, the Master Insider has it from a solid Delaware Department of Education Source:

Tier 1 Partnership Zone Schools
Stubbs Elementary
Pulaski Elementary
Bancroft Elementary
Warner Elementary
Positive Outcomes Charter School (Dover)
Tier 1 Schools have 14 months move into turnaround although a minimum of 3 must be in turnaround position by Sept 2010

Tier 2
William Penn HS
McKean HS
Mt. Pleasant HS
Dickenson HS
Seaford Elementary
Tier 2 schools have until Sept 2011 to move into Turnaround Position

Tier 3
All other Title 1 Schools

The Negotiation Team will be in place within the next two weeks and will be comprised of
  • The Governor and a select staff member from his office
  • The Secretary of Education
  • 2 Superintendents
In weeks 3 and 4 an Oversight Team will put together
and in week 5, Liasons to each county will be named.

Next week DOE is scheduled to post an RFP for 10 data coaches.

By May 3rd all pieces should be in place
By June 28th All Should Be FINALIZED

Oh, Snap!


Kilroy said...

So do you ever thing the News Journal be relevant again?

I'll putting odds on Warner being the first Delaware traditional school being converted to a charter. Somebody has to be the sacrificial lamb for Arne Duncan.

Bennie said...

Nah. That ain't gonna happen, Kilroy.

But, how did MI score this list? Do the districts even know?

Anonymous said...

What happens if a district says, "No, we don't want your money."

Anonymous said...

Sec. Lowery responds automatically: Fuck you, no and proceeds to fire every employee of your school.


Anonymous said...

Let's wait and see. I do believe that I have heard that a certain NCC district might just tell DOE, "Thanks, but no thanks," to the money from the federal school improvement grants. No buy in--no turn-around rules.