11 July 2010

Not everything you wish wasn't true is a MYTH!

Sorry, folks, I haven't had time to post in a while...

But, I'd like to thank Paul Herdman for the shout out tonight on Norm Oliver's Community Crossfire!  I hear ya, Dawg, but not everything you wish wasn't true is a myth.

For example:


Public education was never meant to be a revenue-generating venture!  The only entity that should profit from the millions being spent in Delaware is our students.  Get that through your thick skull, peddle your wares elsewhere!


Anonymous said...

Herdman got clowned by that white guy at the end of the show too,I seen it.

Miss Crabtree said...

My God. I thought you had died. Is there a way to get a look-see or a listen to of the Norm Oliver program?

Kilroy said...

My God, I thought you were captured and held as a love slave by DOE Dan.

Anonymous said...

Kilroy, you of all people should know better; there's no love in the DOE...

Nancy Willing said...

heh, I heard that and cracked up.

BTW: What is up with Paul Herdman not able to keep his hands from touching his face. It got downright embarrassing to watch.

I was reminded of Dick Cheney who constantly massages his thumbs while speaking on camera (one of his daughters does it too). Just saying. Those who touch themselves while nervous are really distracting.