11 May 2010

Who Knew So Many People Liked Latin?

Na na na na, na na na na, hey, hey, hey, goodbye!

Powerful message, Christina voters! Lesson #1 - learned (voting is a privilege not to be taken lightly). On to lesson #2.

Lesson #2: Now hold them accountable. You elected them to represent YOU. A public school district is NOT a business, even if it sometimes vaguely resembles one. The only purpose of a public school district is to provide children with a free and appropriate education. It’s that simple. The only purpose of the school board is to provide representation for it’s constituents to advocate on the behalf of the children. It’s not about ego. It’s not about perks. It’s most definitely NOT a benevolent dictatorship.

Tonight, we celebrate the potential for positive change. Sleep well, my friends…there is a LOT of work to be done, and a lot of damage to be assessed and repaired, if we are to truly turn around our district. Together, we can accomplish anything.

1 comment:

Nancy Willing said...

No more hearing that the superintendent comes to Board meetings and tries to run them. She is an employee and should only attend meetings to inform the Board.