12 March 2010

Bombs Away... Stupidintendent #1 blows up city schools...

Okay, perhaps, the headline's a little harsh. But, it is the beginning of the end, as Masstradamus predicted (2012, my friends, 2012. Okay, maybe I was off by a couple years. 2010, the end of public education as we know it.)

Was this the backroom deal Mr. Esquire hammered out at his private, little "workshop" on March 6th?

The following bomb was dropped on three city schools today as they were busy administering DSTPs. Can you guess which three? Anyone want to hire a used teacher? (Cause I bet a whole lot of 'em are feeling pretty used right about now.) You can imagine the panic that ensued.

Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 9:45 AM
To: Bancroft Users
Cc: Claudia Bock
Subject: School Improvement

Dear Educators:

I know that there has been a great deal of talk about state lists, school closures, turnarounds, etc. And, in the absence of actual information, rumors have abounded. I am happy to report that Claudia Bock, Bob Brown and I recently met to share our information, talk about the implications, and develop a preliminary strategy on next steps.

Yes, unfortunately this year Bancroft has been identified by the Delaware Department of Education as a Tier I, persistently low achieving school. That is the bad but, I am sure, not surprising news. Yet now, through an expanded Federal Title I 1003(g) School Improvement Grants program, we have an unprecedented opportunity to work together to secure the much needed resources to transform Bancroft into a school of choice and opportunity; where excellence and equity for every child is indeed achieved.

We will be actively engaged in applying for these School Improvement Grants over the next couple of months. Each application will demand innovative and thorough planning focused on quickly improving student achievement for every child in Bancroft. Are we planning to turn everything topsy-turvy, displace students and staff, or throw out the baby with the bathwater? NO, but we do know that we must take bold actions to truly transform. The need is urgent, the timeline is short for improvement, and we must not just tinker.

I know how hard many people are working already. You know the saying, “smarter not harder”? We are all going to have to work smarter and harder. There is much to be done. We will be working collaboratively with the CEA on drafting plans or models as we consider our options. Ms. Bock and I have also discussed that once we begin planning in earnest, I will be happy to attend meetings with teachers in your building to keep the lines of communication open.

It is my sincere hope that we will work collaboratively on behalf of our children and their families. Please send questions and comments to Claudia Bock and she will communicate issues to me as they come up.

For every child,

Marcia V. Lyles, Ed.D.
Christina School District
600 N. Lombard Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

Expect Excellence
Everyday, for Every Child, in Every Class

Warner, watch out, they're coming for you... You can't run and you can't hide.


Anonymous said...

Insane, have no idea how that Board puts up with such brazen behavior: both unprofessional and incompetent. Does Evans' have any balls whatsoever? Does he even care about poor black families in our city? I think he just sold me, and my school: OUT!

Kilroy said...

Hopefully the election will yield new board members with a hammer and nails to put this vampire away.

They'l be stuck paying her two years per contract but that's a small price to pay for the board to take back controll. Hopefully those running for school board with get their message out.

Anonymous said...

Makes Red Clay look classy!

Anonymous said...

Stay Classy Red Clay!

Anonymous said...

You know what's the worst thing about this announcement? The spineless CEA president who is sitting on her hands while her teachers blow in the wind..... My bet: Schnieider told her to avoid all teachers for the weekend so things can "cool down". She is being played by a NYC carpetbagger. I think she has earned a new nickname, let's call the CEA President: Mini-Me...to Schnieder of course.

VOTE her out, VOTE her out, VOTE her out!

The teachers deserve more respect than a voicemail message and unanswered e-mails.

Bennie said...

Whoever you are, you are obviously out of the loop. CEA is working hard to counteract Lyles.

Anonymous said...

Okay, ask CEA about Wed. star chamber meetings.


Anonymous said...

Star Chamber? Are there secret firebombing meetings afoot? WTF?!

I knew it, "transform" is code for "when you don't agree with all my rules I will TURNAROUND and fire all you lazy no good teachers"!

Look out CEA, firehose is a comin'

Bennie said...

I happen to know all about the Wednesday Star Chamber meetings. And I know that they do not involve Schneider.

Anonymous said...


you poor soul. You know nothing and just proved it. In your world I am referring to the STAR star chamber then...the one you are simply unaware of....must feel bad huh...to be left out and all....