09 May 2010

And the nominee for best chance of redeeming our school district is...

I'll be honest, I am biased.  As a pro-education tax-payer, I am fed up with the irresponsible and costly antics of the Christina School Board and its Superintendent.  SO, the time has come for me to belly-up to the DE Bar and send the Attorney packing.

While I chide Esquire for making a career out of his time on the Board, I'm also weary of the one and done contributors too.  We need a board member with vested interest.  Someone who can empathize with students and sympathize with the plight of teachers.  Our new Board needs to re-examine and correct some of the destructive decisions made over the past few years and successfully guide Christina through the unavoidable changes of Race To The Top.   

I've done my research. I've been to at least one of the public forums and read all the literature.  I've actually spoken to ALL 3 of the candidates recently.  Bottom line: Esquire must go; Falkowski seems like he means well, but he's still out of touch; I'm throwing all of my support behind the kid.  Eric Anderson appears to be the real deal.  He's intelligent, well-spoken, and young enough to make a long-term investment in our district.

I'll be out voting on Tuesday, and convincing as many people as I can muster to exercise their rights too.  Look for me at the polling site near my home, but don't bother approaching me unless you're voting for change this time. 

Unless change occurs on this board, I can't vote for the referrendum to pass with a clear conscience.  No accountability and fiscal responsibility by board members = no more money for poor decision-making and consultants.  Sorry, kiddies, you're just going to have to learn to make due with your teacher-less, textbook-less, educational-ish testing facilities.   Music, art, gym and Latin are for kids from communities that actually care about their public education.



Nancy Willing said...

Did you watch Community Crossfire last night? Evans made some comments that I missed but when Norm did a recap it appeared that Evans laid out the case that he was being persecuted by fellow members of the Board, namely the bloggers.

Would love some clarity on what George actually may have said.

Nancy Willing said...

I am with on Eric Anderson and will help push for the referendum if we can get Eric on the Board first.

I heard that Paul Falkowski is even telling people to vote for Eric. WTF Paul...

Anonymous said...

I thought it was Stupidintendent or Schneider? Are you going soft MI?