21 February 2010

A Good Healthy Dose of Reality

Albeit disjointed (due to time contraints), but relevant nonetheless:

Question:  How many District Administrators does it take to change a lightbulb?
The Reality:  It takes all the Administrators, $20k worth of Consultants, a referendum, and 1 underpaid Janitor named ________.  (no one ever bothered to learn his name or asked his opinion about this undertaking)

Good news!  Delaware School Districts have put their heads together and solved the transporation dilemma of reduced funding.  The solution:  fire teachers, eliminate any remaining textbooks, and raise school taxes to fund the re-building of schools that are 25% closer to the kids' homes.

BREAKING NEWS:   A leak from the top of the Christina School District has purported plans for the City of Wilmington's next Charter School, courtesy of Race To The Top.  Could it be?  Yes it is!  Hold on to your seats, fearful suburbanites...  Get this:  a high school will once again be built in the City of Wilmington. 
The Valerie Bertinelli School of the Arts will be located in the former headquarters of the Christina School District - Drew Pyle (the new District Headquarters will be moved to the Astro-Power building, so they can waste the solar energy money-saving capabilities of that unnecessary purchase first-hand).

The Bertinelli School will address the needs of our current generation and generations to come.  Specialized courses will teach them how to audition for reality tv shows (since pseudo-abilities trump actual education in America), how to use credit cards, how government funding for illegitimate children can bolster your income, and how to apply for unemployment and food-stamps in-between auditions.  How to marry a rock-star and how to make money off of yo-yo dieting will be honors courses. 

Due to budgetary cuts, the Bertinelli School will not offer counseling or compassion for drug addicts or incest survivors.  The School motto - "One Day At A Time", both extolls the district's philosophy of spending-down the school's annual budget on consultants and other frivolous expenses as soon as possible each year, on the insightful assumption that sub-standard test scores will soon end the gravy-train AND it prepares inner-city students for future AA meetings. 

Now that the information about the Bertinelli School has been leaked, please feel free to refer to the current Superintendent as "Schneider".     



Anonymous said...


Nancy Willing said...

ACK. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the temperament of this blog.

I hope that the tone settles into something that strikes a little harder at the first part of the author's purported motto rather than the latter:

I want either less corruption in Delaware politics or more opportunity to participate in it!

Anyhoo, looking forward to future reads here. And kudos to Kilroy for bringing attention to the new blog in town.

Master Insighter said...

Thank You for the welcome.

Bennie said...

Will students have to meet with that creepy building super from the show?

Very funny, and I do not object to the tone or topic. Lighten up Nance.

Anonymous said...

I nominate The Red Clay super be BOOKMAN:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXUmjMo-N6k

Perhaps CSD and RCCSD can fight over who's Schnieder and who's Bookman.....could be a fight to see who gets evicted first!

Master Insighter said...

Arguing over whose Super is worse...
Ain't we lucky we got 'em,
Good Times!

Anonymous said...

Any time you meet a payment. - Good Times.
Any time you need a friend. - Good Times.
Any time you’re out from under.
Not getting hassled, not getting hustled.
Keepin’ your head above water,
Making a wave when you can.

Temporary lay offs. - Good Times.
Easy credit rip offs. - Good Times.
Scratchin’ and surviving. - Good Times.
Hangin in a chow line - Good Times.
Ain’t we lucky we got ‘em - Good Times.

Good times indeed!

Funny Girl said...

Nancy: Lighten up. Not everything has to be serious and worthwhile. This is a hoot. MI you are my hero.