22 February 2010

BREAKING NEWS...New Warner Elementary Charter School...

BREAKING NEWS! The Red Clay School District will soon be announcing changes to the Warner School in the City of Wilmington. After yet another year of disappointing test scores and lackluster parental involvement, the Red Clay School Board has decided to try a different approach to education – the sports first approach.
Following the conclusion of this academic school year, Red Clay will be closing the Warner School and revamping the facility before reopening as a charter school in the fall of 2010. The Pop Warner Charter School of Delaware will focus on sports as a means to a college education, a professional career, and potential commercial endorsements.

This innovative approach will feature consolidated classes which meet in gyms carpeted in astro-turf. Traditional educators will be replaced with TFA "Referees". Oversized chalkboards, fitness equipment and a jumbo-flat screen tv/scoreboard will be standard furnishing. Desks and chairs will be eliminated, since all children will be encouraged to “take a knee” during rote learning drills.

Pop Warner is currently the largest and oldest national youth football, cheer and dance organization in the United States. It is also the only youth sports organization with an academic requirement, making it the obvious choice as the foundation of our revolutionary charter school. Of course, Pop Warner’s current academic standards will be replaced with a minimum DCAS test score requirement, as is the custom in Delaware schools. A trophy will be issued upon the completion of the Pop Warner program, indicating the athletic and academic accomplishments of our students. The trophy will be the academic equivalent to the current Delaware Certificate of Completion – enabling students to pursue a secondary education at a Community College as a non-metriculated student or to pursue a GED at either Groves Adult School, in one of the U.S. Military Services, and/or in a Delaware State penitentiary.


Anonymous said...

OK rookie easy on the comedy! Kilroy tells all the jokes :)

Bennie said...

Actually, this does not sound lioke such a bad idea. "Take a knee!" MI: You rock. We need this kind of stuff. It has been a long, cold winter. Here comes the sun.

Maybe Pop Warner is related to Ms. Warner, the old dame the school is named for. Nyuk.

Schatzy said...

You will be delighted to know that several Red Clay employees were circulating this "breaking news" story this week as if it was Gospel. yOU HAVE ARRIVED.

Pop Warner? How about your neXt schtik focusing on the Warner Von Braun Charter School of Rocket Science? Or the I Warned You Before Charter School of Accountability? Or the We Don't Need No Stinkin' Warning Charter School?

What's a Greek Urn? Some people just do not get irony and sarcasm. Oh, well. I do--keep it comin'.